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Divya Usirasav – Hemostatic & Pitta Pacifying Tonic


Divya USIRASAV: Ayurvedic elixir for balance, vitality, and holistic health. Hemostatic, cooling, and purifying. Embrace well-being.

Pack Size: 450 ML

Experience Balance and Vitality with Divya USIRASAV

In the realm of Ayurveda, Divya USIRASAV emerges as a precious elixir, celebrated for its multifaceted healing properties. This liquid Ayurvedic medicine is meticulously crafted to address a range of health concerns, making it an invaluable addition to your wellness routine.

The Essence of Divya USIRASAV:

Derived from a unique blend of natural ingredients, including Usira (Vetiveria zizanioides), Hrivera (Coleus vettiveroides), Padma (Nelumbo nucifera), Draksa (Vitis vinifera), and more, Divya USIRASAV embodies the wisdom of Ayurveda. It is renowned for its hemostatic and pitta-pacifying qualities, promoting overall balance and well-being.

A Multitude of Benefits: Divya USIRASAV

offers a comprehensive range of benefits, catering to a diverse set of health concerns:

  • Bleeding Disorders: Experience relief from bleeding disorders, such as epistaxis, menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, and hematuria, as Divya USIRASAV helps regulate and balance blood flow.
  • Urinary Health: Combat urinary tract infections, burning micturition, and other urinary disorders, fostering healthier urinary function.
  • Skin Diseases: Benefit from its blood-purifying properties, which aid in the treatment of skin diseases.
  • Cooling and Tranquilizing: Enjoy the cooling and tranquilizing effects that soothe the body and mind, offering a sense of calm and relaxation.
  • Diuretic Action: Promote diuresis, facilitating the elimination of toxins from the body.

Experience Ayurveda’s Healing Touch:

Divya USIRASAV is a testament to the holistic principles of Ayurveda, addressing not only the symptoms but also the underlying causes of health imbalances. Its gentle yet effective nature makes it suitable for a wide range of individuals seeking natural remedies for various health concerns.

Pure and Potent:

Our commitment to purity ensures that you receive the highest-quality Ayurvedic medicine. Divya USIRASAV is free from impurities, making it a safe and reliable choice for your well-being.

Unlock the transformative power of Ayurveda with Divya USIRASAV, where ancient wisdom meets modern wellness. Embrace balance, vitality, and holistic health with every drop.

Choose Divya USIRASAV – your trusted companion on the journey to well-being and vitality.


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