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Divya MAHABHRINGRAJ TAILA (Hair Care Elixir)


Revitalize your hair with Divya Mahabhringraj Taila, the secret to nourished locks, reduced hair fall, and a soothing scalp. Healthier, shinier hair!


Unlock the Treasure of Lustrous Hair with Divya MAHABHRINGRAJ TAILA

Divya MAHABHRINGRAJ TAILA, also known as the Hair Care Elixir, holds the key to rejuvenating your hair and recapturing that lost glory. This age-old Ayurvedic herbal oil, derived from the potent bhringraj herb, is your secret to radiant locks and overall well-being. Are you longing for the days when your hair flowed like a cascade of silk, exuding vitality and strength?

Bhringraj oil, often referred to as Mahabhringraj oil, is not your ordinary hair oil. It’s a treasure chest of vital nutrients, including iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, and vitamin E, all expertly crafted to provide holistic hair care like never before.

Key Benefits:

1. Nourishes and Strengthens Hair: Mahabhringraj oil deeply nourishes your scalp and strengthens hair from the roots. Say goodbye to brittle, lifeless strands as you welcome back your hair’s natural luster.

2. Reduces Hair Fall and Promotes Growth: The unique blend of herbs in this elixir reduces hair fall and encourages healthy hair growth. Say hello to thicker, more voluminous locks.

3. Combats Dryness and Dandruff: Bid farewell to itchy, flaky scalps. Mahabhringraj oil combats dryness and dandruff, restoring balance to your hair and scalp.

4. Relieves Headaches and Stress: The calming properties of this oil soothe headaches and alleviate stress, making it the perfect choice for a relaxing massage.

Your hair care routine is about to be elevated to a new level of luxury and effectiveness. Regular use of Divya MAHABHRINGRAJ TAILA will not only transform your hair but also your overall well-being. It’s not just an oil; it’s a holistic experience.


  • Sesamum Indicum (Sesame) Seed Oil
  • Eclipta Alba (Bhringraj) Whole Plant Decoction
  • Rubia Cordifolia (Manjistha) Root
  • Prunus Puddum (Padama Kastha) Stem
  • Symplocos Racemosa (Lodhra) Stem Bark
  • Pterocarpus Santalinus (Chandan Lal) Heartwood
  • Red Ochre (Gairik)
  • Sida Cordifolia (Kharenti) Whole Plant Decoction
  • Curcuma Longa (Haldi) Rhizome
  • Berberis Aristata (Daruhaldi) Stem
  • Mesua Ferrea (Naagkeshar) Stamen
  • Callicarpa Macrophylla (Priyangu) Fruit
  • Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Mulethi) Root
  • Nelumbo Nucifera (Kamal) Flower
  • Hemidesmus Indicus (Anantmool) Root

Dugdha (Milk) is added to achieve the desired consistency.

With Divya MAHABHRINGRAJ TAILA, you hold the key to hair that exudes vitality, strength, and beauty. Elevate your hair care routine to a new level and experience the transformation for yourself. Say hello to the hair you’ve always dreamed of, and let it be the crown you wear with pride.

Pack Size: 100 ML


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